EMINENT - Needs Analysis Report En savoir plus sur EMINENT - Needs Analysis Report ESIH in close collaboration with the whole EMINENT consortium drafted this report on the current state of affairs of Haitian HEIs in terms of Quality Assurance, based upon the data obtained from the Analysis Methodology, the distribution of Online Questionnaires (287 participants) and interviews with key stakeholders. The document is an in-depth analysis of the data collected and proposes recommendations for the further development of the project and also for any other actor or initiative on QA in Haiti.
2nd EMINENT Online Training Module En savoir plus sur 2nd EMINENT Online Training Module Date Juil 13, 2020
1st EMINENT Online Training Module En savoir plus sur 1st EMINENT Online Training Module Date Juil 03, 2020
Train of Trainers Module IV - 1st Online Training En savoir plus sur Train of Trainers Module IV - 1st Online Training From 25th June to July 17th, EMINENT partners will meet virtually to deliver and attend to the Train of Trainers Module IV. This methodology has been adapted as a contingency plan to mitigate the limitations of the social distancing measures imposed to combat COVID-19 pandemic. Training is structured in Masterclass and Tutorial meetings between EU partners and Haitian institutions.
EMINENT partners replicate Trainings En savoir plus sur EMINENT partners replicate Trainings Date Mar 23, 2020
Privacy International Project Management Office (University of Alicante), en tant que coordinateur du projet EMINENT-HAITI, («nous», «nous» ou «nos») exploite le site http://www.eminent-haiti.eu website (le «Service»). Nous nous engageons à protéger la confidentialité et les données personnelles de ses utilisateurs conformément au règlement (UE) 2016/679 du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du 27 avril 2016 relatif à la protection des personnes physiques à l'égard du traitement des données personnelles et sur la libre circulation de ces données. En savoir plus sur Privacy
Conferences En raison de l'épidémie de Covid-19 et de la mise en œuvre de mesures de distanciation sociale afin de lutter contre cette maladie, le consortium EMINENT avait décidé de reporter la célébration de ces événements. Les détails et les dates des conférences ajournées seront partagés ici. En savoir plus sur Conferences
Conferences Due to Covid-19 outbreak and the implementation of social distancing measures to combat the pandemic, EMINENT consortium had decided to postpone the celebration of these events. Details and dates of the adjourned conferences will be shared in here. In the meantime, EMINENT consortium encourages to join project activities online by registering and taking our online courses on Quality Assurance at Higher Education level by clicking on this link: https://www.eminent-haiti.eu/e-platform En savoir plus sur Conferences
Lier l'Assurance Qualité Interne et Externe En savoir plus sur Lier l'Assurance Qualité Interne et Externe
Linking Internal and External Quality Assurance En savoir plus sur Linking Internal and External Quality Assurance